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Iowa St. Cyclones Camo Survivor Bracelet


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Iowa St. Cyclones Camo Survivor Bracelet

SKU: CSUB83GC Categories: , ,


Our functional and fashionable Iowa St. Cyclones camo survivor bracelets contain 2 individual 300lb test paracord rated cords that are each 5 feet long. The camo cords can be pulled apart to be used in any number of emergencies and look great while worn. The bracelet features a team emblem on the clasp.

  • Officially licensed College product Licensee: Siskiyou Buckle
  • Contains 2 nylon paracord rated cords
  • Each cord is 5 ft. long and 300lb test
  • The cords come camo colors
  • Iowa St. Cyclones emblem on the clasp


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